Wednesday, May 5, 2010


THE SUN IS OUT AND EVERYTHING IS PERFECT. right now i'm lying out in the sun on the grass outside. outside is a little redundant. but i just want to make it clear. no human should be inside on a day like this. what is it about the sun that makes everyone so happy. i can't stop smiling even if i wanted to. MENTAL NOTE: minestrone bad idea on hot day.

Is it possible to write without thoughts

without feelings, emotions, or wants

the intended purpose without direction

what is the purpose of poetry. is it just to make your thoughts more concise. do people just not want to write a book rambling about themselves or their observations. just wanting to captivate the human mind, knowing that we all think there are more important places to be, to see, to experience. but perhaps poets know that we won’t notice it or care to think deeply about it. this is rambling. i should’ve written a poem. i don’t even care to think/read about what i’ve written. but i don’t understand how people even write poems. how are they so accurate in their speech. how do they choose the words that they know describe what they are feeling. maybe poets don’t really feel these emotions but rather see the emotions in words in an art form that others do not. they want to make people aware of what the feelings are called. what it means to love. how to express it simply.

seeing your thoughts on paper is so strange. it’s hard to imagine that all that is going on in your head and you’re still able to function in the world. proof of god. good way to end any mind-blowing thought.

but on another note, cheese sweats.

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